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$35.00 - $40.00

When simplifying the great questions of life, philosophers claim three to be foundational for study: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? However, there is an underlying drive for happiness motivating us to ask these questions. The real question is, "How can I be happy?" Join us as we examine Jesus' practical answers to that universal...


We are continuing to look at the life of Jesus and His way.  This series is called Blessed.  We are going to look at the specific ways Jesus taught us how to be happy.  We are going to ask the question, do we really trust that?  Or, are we simply trusting Jesus with our eternal soul instead of eternal life?...


This series offers practical strategies for identifying and breaking destructive family habits that can hinder emotional well-being and healthy relationships. These habits can stem from fear, unresolved pain, or unhealthy attachments, often leading to a cycle of self-sabotage. This series will confront these habits with compassion and awareness, viewing them as opportunities rather than just obstacles. What we need is spiritual...

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When we look at scriptures, what we find is a profound invitation to live beyond right and wrong, but rather pursue wisdom.  To live beyond in or out and pursue community and to live beyond forgiveness and pursue freedom.  This series examines four areas of divine invitation to live more profoundly free now.    Disc 1: Free to choose your...


In this series, Shane, with a lot of help from his friends, addresses some of the big questions that we consider all the time.  In a conversational style, Shane hopes to engage you into a journey to explore some of the big answers about life, compassion, meaning, the bible, relationships, the nature of God and many others.  We hope you...

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Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, Let's examine the cost of choices we make. Are we selling our birthright for a bowl of soup, (Gen. 25:29-34)? How far does God go to pay the cost we accrue with our poor choices? Does the Lord expect anything in return? This series examines the benefits of making right choices,...


This series opens the discussion of how to build faith and what it looks like in our world.  Faith is not so much a what word.  Rather, faith is best understood as a who word.  Who do you trust?.  Is their way of looking at the world better than the current narrative?.  How can we reshape our thinking to align...


If you have questions about the fundamentals in our faith, then this series is for you. "Foundations" examines eight essential elements which define the Christian value system. The following questions are answered and more: What does it mean to be "saved"? Where did we get the Bible? How is the Bible relevant? What is the significance of "baptism"? What about...


In the first 11 Chapters of Genesis, we see a birds eye look at God's commitment to engage our chaos for the purpose of new creation.  We are all faced with the choice to expand outward or implode inward; to tend the garden or focus on one tree; to build a boat or sink in chaos; to use our resources to...


From Genesis 12-50 is a 38 chapter specific look at God's work in one family.  With a specific focus on finding ourselves in their story to find our calling, rename our pain, explore forgiveness, and living for the good of the world. 

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Ups and downs are just a normal part of life.  Everyone will experience highs emotionally, financially, relationally and vocationally as well as lows in those areas.  This series examines God’s will and strategies to move you from the lows back to the highs by empowering you in the lows to believe that better days are yet ahead.      Once...

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Discover the greatness of God's salvation by examining Hebraic imagery behind deliverance. What does it really mean to be "Born again?" Let's take a very close look at the salvific imagery found in ancient Hebraic culture, and then correlate it to the salvation that God has extends to his children.This is a three part series with topics including: Pictures of...


This series focuses on the importance of making Jesus the King of your life. Are you serving Jesus, or is Jesus serving you? Topics include: an application study on hell, the good Samaritan, the rich man and Lazarus; as well as applying our choice to live from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil or the Tree of Life....

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Understanding authority is crucial to comprehending our role within the Kingdom of God. This series examines the basic concepts of authority and our submissive role to that authority. Any power we access stems from the authority of God. You will learn how rabbinical authority affected the lives of the Jesus and his disciples. The purpose of this series is to...

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For anyone desiring to move in God's power with great effectiveness, this one's for you! This series covers a host of spiritually relevant topics; all for training you to develop your God given gifts and abilities. The goal is for you to gain the empowerment and confidence to minister to others, form your life, and encompass your world with God's...

$70.00 - $75.00

     This bundle kit will help navigate you through key Hebraic ideas and concepts, which will affect the way you read the whole Bible. The Bible was written by Jewish authors as directed by the Holy Spirit. God intended for His truths to be communicated through the lens of a Hebraic perspective.      These seminars will reveal historical...

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This six hour seminar will take you through the process of learning to read the Bible with a Hebraic perspective. The Bible was written by Jewish authors directed by God. This seminar is a sure hit. It will open your eyes to many cultural and historical items that will make the Bible come alive. Topics include: Form vs. Function Paleo-Hebrew...

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In a culture that honors and reinforces individualism, it can be difficult to honor the biblical mandate to be imitators of Christ. The Bible commands us to strive to emulate God and Godly people. Our fulfillment can only be found through imitating Christ. Unfortunately, we will also be tempted to imitate things that lead to destruction. Why does history tend...

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God's heart cry is for intimacy; to be fully known and fully accepted simultaneously. Our souls cry out for that state of life; we long for it. How can we attain such a relationship with God? Where do we falsely define God? What are some of our beliefs holding us back? This series goal is to help identify truths that will...

$22.50 - $30.00

God sees the end result of where He is going to take you, He doesn't take His eye off who you will become. Let these truths be embedded in your heart and soul. Creative thoughts play a part of every aspect of our lives; building a business, building a church, raising a family. Your thinking will determine your outcome. 'From...


All of us can remember a time when we ran from something. Maybe we ran from a fight we did not think we could win. Maybe we ran away from responsibility thinking it would all go away if we ignored it. At some point many of us thought about running away from home as children; only to realize the futility...

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This series examines the Hebraic concept of "Echad" or "Unity within Diversity". Our whole life is a journey to find unity within ourselves and with others. Several elements are required for us to live in true fulfillment.  Let's examine the keys to this journey as well as a method for practical application in your life. This four-part series includes: Phase...

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Leadership affects all facets of our lives; from parenting to the workplace. There are times when we are called to be leaders, and there are times when we are meant to follow. Sometimes we have the talent for leadership, but not the character. The same could be said vice-versa. This 8-disc series examines many aspects of leadership. It will dissect our...


This series will examine Jesus' dictum on how the world works in order to unlock life.  By looking at the sermon on the Mount and comparing Jesus' words to the corresponding wisdom literature, we will hopefully find a key to Jesus' code on how our chaos can be overcome with new creation.