In this series Shane will take you on a journey through Paul's letter to the church in Rome where Jews and Gentiles were trying to navigate how to live together. The Gentiles had converted and were worshipping the Jewish God while ignoring some of the rules. One can imagine the problem that would have created! Paul's answer was that the...
In this series Shane will continue to take you on a journey through Paul's letter to the church in Rome where Jews and Gentiles were trying to navigate how to live together. The Gentiles had converted and were worshipping the Jewish God while ignoring some of the rules. One can imagine the problem that would have created! Paul's answer was...
The Bible is full of brave revolutionaries, amongst all of them one of the bravest is a Moabite woman named Ruth who risked everything to make a new life for herself. Ruth is a case study in bravery, inspiration, faith, manipulation, fear, racism, darkness, lust, celebration, hard work, proactivity and how the power of God uses our courage and often...
Learning His Ways, Revealing His Gifts, Unlocking The Secrets. This teaching has arisen out of two major visitations of God to Pastor Clark Taylor, the first when he was asked to leave the Methodist Ministry because of differing beliefs on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As Clark was at the end of his known world the Holy Spirit said to...
We live in a culture where depression and anxiety are more prevalent than joyful living. With such a heavy emphasis to find our own individualism, life has become increasingly easier to surrender to the unrealistic expectations of being constantly different. People are more concerned with their unique place in this world than they are with the beliefs which unite us....
In this series we will look at the idea that the things that we think of as huge problems to society actually remove our focus from the real issues that can decimate a community. We have unrequited and uncensored vices in our heart; flaws that can’t be made illegal, such as pride, lust, envy, gluttony, greed, anger and slothfulness. It’s not possible to...
What if we lived in a world where we were not allowed to tell people we were Christians, would people know it simply from how we are living? This series examines an empowered evangelistic life strategy that requires us to demonstrate before we announce. The question is how to access the empowerment from the Lord in order to demonstrate. We know that...
God has shown Clark Taylor a wonderful secret of life - how to live with your spirit on the outside. The Spirit of God and understanding how God walks with us is the passion of Clark's life. In this series he shows us how to locate our spirits. Unless we understand 'spirit' we don't even get to first base with Christianity,...
Successfully managing all the components in our lives is critical to functioning at the highest level. We must leave room for error or risk falling off the edge. This series discusses the reality of our need for free time, and what we can do to create the necessary margin to avoid the boiling point. This 4 disc set includes the...